DIY: Button Necklace!

A few months ago I made a necklace out of buttons and string and I've had a lot of compliments on it. I thought that since it's super quick and easy to make I'd include it as one of the DIY projects here.

There are lots of versions of the button necklace DIY on the internet so I can't claim credit for the original idea, but I've tried to adapt it by including a chain and buttons of lots of different shapes and sizes to make it a little quirky and suit my style. It's a great project because there's a lot of room to do your own thing - you can use thin cotton or wire instead of string, you can change the type of chain you use, you can even thread things on that aren't buttons! How exciting! Haha.

Anyway, without further ado let's get started!

Obviously the first thing to do is gather your supplies (as outlined above)!

We're going to start by threading some buttons, so cut yourself a length of string and fold it in half to get an idea of how long your buttoned section / the front part of your necklace will be.
I cut mine to about 50cm and then folded it over.

Next, when you've made sure it's the length you want it, loop your string through the end of one of your sections of chain.

Tie a double knot to keep it secure. 
If you're using a thinner thread of cotton, perhaps a triple knot is best!

Thread your first button onto one side of your string and push it all the way up to where your chain ends (like in the picture).

Tie a double knot in your string to secure the button.
Make sure you leave a little bit of room between the two knots you've made, so that the button isn't too tightly secured. That way when your necklace is finished you'll get a bit of movement happening with your buttons!

Literally just keep repeating this process.
Thread a button, tie a double knot. Thread a button, tie a double knot.
(Make sure you alternate which side of the string you thread the buttons on so that one doesn't become shorter than the other)

Keep on going until you've got the length / number of buttons you want (super easy)!

Once you're at the end, thread your string through the end loop of your second section of chain and tie another double knot (like in the picture).

You should now have something that looks like this! Yay! How easy was that?
Now, you can leave it with just one thread of buttons, or you can add more threads, repeating the process.
The necklace I made used about five threads of buttons, so it's a bit fuller-looking.

The last step is to attach a clasp (if you haven't already got one on your chain) to join your two sections of chain together.
Once that's done, you've got yourself a lovely, new, quirky and self-made necklace! Well done!

Let me know if you give this project a try - I'll be posting more like it in future so stay tuned!
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  1. So cool!! Really like this :) Great way of using those buttons that come with the tags on new clothes and stuff

    1. Thanks Emily! That would be a great way to use those buttons! :)
